What shall I try next?

Have you found yourself trying several diets or exercise (whether researched or recommended), attained your weight goal, but in the end couldn’t keep up with it as the diet was a bit unreasonable eliminating essential elements and ingredients needed for a balanced lifestyle? Should this be your story you are not alone. The number of diets on the market are unlimited with new ones published daily. Most people have their personal favourite diet and are quite comfortable recommending it. You need to be cautious however as what may work for one person may not necessarily work for you. To be successful at any diet you need to know your body, build up inner strength, self motivate yourself and stay in control.

Before dieting it is important to consider these important elements. These will determine how successful you will be in attaining your goals not only now but in years to come.

The first step is balance. Due to poor dieting, we have removed essential ingredients from our meal such as green leafy vegetables and have replaced these with things such as fries and processed foods. Time is usually limited hence the options mentioned, however if eaten as a regular meal this can become a problem. To maintain balance it is important to have at least three or four of the six food groups such as grains, fruits, vegetables and meat at every meal.

Secondly, try portion control. Eat like a baby and you’ll have energy like a baby. You can eat as much as 8 times a day but in small portions. This method prevents you from overeating and keeps your metabolism going. Out of the 8 portions you can replace 4 portions with 4 small fruits. In time you will feel energised with the ability to do a little more. This process will not be easy but there are 10 easy steps that you can take to eating healthier.

Reduce your intake of sugary drinks. The best drink is water thus we can aim to consume more water and less juice as a future goal. This is definitely attainable if tried continuously.

Your last step is exercise. When it comes to this consistency is the key. There are some exercises that come recommended by experts and can be used to gain optimum health. These are resistance training and squats. Whichever exercise you choose, either can be effective.

Our reasons for exercising are varied. Some exercise to sculpt their body, get in shape or simply to stay healthy. In all instances visiting a gym may not be necessary as the same results can be achieved at home. You can sculpt your body at home with a motivating video, or with a high intensity 20 minutes workout video.

The key is to find a routine and stick to it. Continually switching to a different diet or exercise routine will not help your situation but will only add to your stress. Whatever diet or exercise you decide to try remember to keep it simple, be consistent and make it a way of life.

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